3mtr length to fit under 2 wheel arches
Ideal for wider off-road tyres
Will fit most vehicles
Simply cut to length & screw on
Kit includes:
Hex head slotted screws x 32pcs
Mounting Plates x 16pcs
Fender Flare 3mtr 1 x roll cut to suit application
Used on applications like 4x4, Caravan, Camper Trailer, Truck & Bus
These flares help prevent some dents and off road scrapes. Flares are essential if you are running wide tyres, as they cover your wheels helping prevent mud, stones and debis being thrown at the body. Wheel and tyre combinations that protrude outside the width of the vehicles body can also make your vehicle unroadworthy. Fitting these flares to cover the protruding wheel/tyre may prevent you getting booked, but you should always seek professional advise in cases like this.
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